Thursday, May 27, 2010

How to Eliminate Society's “Big Problems”

Have you ever noticed that all the “big problems” that society faces are multi-billion dollar problems and not multi-million dollar problems? Apparently, multi-million dollar problems do not qualify as “big problems” in society. This makes sense because the difference between multi-billion dollar and multi-million dollar problems is significant.

This leads to a second observation. Have you ever noticed that all multi-billion dollar problems are associated with multi-billion dollar organizations? Apparently, multi-million dollar organizations do not create multi-billion dollar problems. Again, this makes sense because multi-million dollar organizations do not have the capacity to take multi-billion dollar risks.

Third, if all the “big problems” facing society are multi-billion dollar problems and all multi-billion dollar problems are associated with multi-billion dollar organizations, then might society eliminate all its “big problems” by getting rid of its multi-billion dollar organizations? Again, this seems to make sense because once all the multi-billion dollar organizations go away, only multi-million dollar organizations would remain, and multi-million dollar organizations do not have the capacity to take multi-billion dollar risks, thus eliminating the “big problems” at their source.

In summary, all “big problems” are evidently multi-billion dollar problems, and all multi-billion dollar problems are associated with multi-billion dollar organizations. Therefore, by eliminating all multi-billion dollar organizations, society could eliminate all its multi-billion dollar problems, resulting in no more “big problems.”

This stuff is easy once you put your mind to it…

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